• Boston Science Literacy Workshop
  • The Science Literacy Project workshop is an intensive, six-day training opportunity for mid-career public radio producers and reporters.


Coming: the next round Science Literacy workshops

Check back for more information when future workshops are planned.

Science Literacy Project Highlights

Workshop Audio

Listen to audio highlights.
  • Water Sustainability
    Bridget Scanlon discusses water sustainability.
  • Chemistry: Public Perception versus Chemical Reality
    Brent Iverson discusses the limits of scientific understanding.
  • Astronomy and the Popular Press
    Dr. J. Craig Wheeler delves into "dark matter"
  • A Primer in Evolution
    Daniel Bolnick asks, "Is evolution a fact?"

Tip Sheets

Science Literacy Binder

We've developed a series of science journalism tip sheets written by experts in the field. Now you can read them online. Learn how to identify a significant story, interpret a scientific study, make the most out of statistics, integrate diversity into reporting, and more:

  • Lap Dog or Watch Dog?

    Originally, science journalists thought of themselves as "translators." They were big fans of science and they attempted to make it meaningful and accessible to the public.